Ukai malu wai tp segan..hehehe...
Chel apa agik...suka nangar pala aku licin mcm cermin...
But 1st of all, I would like to say:
Thank You....
Tho Ceh...
Cie Cie Ni...
For all da support and especially those gave da donation (wlwpun ada yg sik berani join botak...hehehe) to make da things done..
Register for bald and return donation...
Actually its really fun dat time...A lot people come....
and some familiar faces to me...
some juz come to see us being bully by da Cutting Edge...
some come to return their donation but not dare to go bald....(syg rambut...)
and some come to do both and get da free t-shirt...(ado la kawan aku io..)
some come to return their donation but not dare to go bald....(syg rambut...)
and some come to do both and get da free t-shirt...(ado la kawan aku io..)
Tp kan kengkawan...
bukan senang mok naik atas stage dan kena botak...
bukan senang mok naik atas stage dan kena botak...
In front a big crowd and paparazi taking pic...(mcm artess pun ada jua)
Plus...with someone laughing at annoying...
"Jum join ma...."
"wah...wa ckp sama lu...byk org leh...klu lu berani lu naik lor..."(antara bisikan cabaran drpd org sebelah...last2 dua2 sekali naik...hehehe)
more than 1oo people joining the Precious Time...sampai penat berdiri berbaris, lucky mine is 32...Person next to me...hehehehe...dah nebes muka nya...makin dekat stage makin menjus muka nya...But I know all who go for bald is sukarelawan...bukan paksaan...
Ok...actually for me not so much different going bald coz did it since Xmas eve last year...if last year i do it after my confession (wish my prayer come true).....and tis year i do it for charity....Hope my wish come true...hehehehehe....
(at the screen, 1st lady go bald)
one of the patient....
But im wondering...why am i doing tis...apa yg mengerakkan hati dan keinginan saya utk membuat perkara tersebut....Til now im still wondering and ask myself...what do i get from it....and me still no idea to answer that question...
In da process.....
Final touch-up....
Taraa....still hensem as it is....
Well...someone did told me...
" To do a good thing, never ask for the return.."
"Today maybe your lucky day, but who knows what will happen next..."
9 reactions:
mwahaha. let me be de 1st 2 comment.
manah nya dum. amat botak tapi ati manah nehh..?? feewiiittt :D
eee...tensen nya kmk bila xpat tgga pict botak!!! mslah braodband kmk ka tok?upload pict pun xpat..
yeah..baruk dpt tgga pict hensem!!
hahahha..SCCS tok kmk pernah pergi 2 kali..sbb tlg mbiak sia. Dah nama kaunselor pelatih tek nak..keja kedak tok nang dipupuk but for sure..worth it..sebak bila dgr crita mak kepada mbiak ya..SCCS dekat wisma seberkas ya mmg perlu bantuan..terlalu daif. penjaga nya hanya lah OKU juak..tetapi sngt berjaya sbb ada 2 kereta! (kmk ney ada kereta?) Kebajikan dari segi enviroment sangat daif... Tahniah wihah..ktk ada menyumbang kepada masa depan anak2 yg perlukan bantuan.
i thought you're doing it because of the T-shirt and free hair cut??hehehe..anyway, bravo hv proven that u care for them..
Hani: thanks to be da 1st..sigik ke manah nya wai..ati pun mesti manah..baru bisi kena berkat...betol ndak wai...hehehe...and i hope u 2 do da same things..but in different way lor...anti ka botak pun tau meh...hehehe
Vivian: still tensen?hehehe...
how was me in botak...hensem rite?hehehe...
and thanks for da compliment...really worth it and never feel it sure u will do da same, rite? klu bukan kita, sapa agik mok tolong sama2 kita menyumbang utk daknya...can u do it?
Chel: alo my fren...ada la one of da reason to have da T-shirt and free hair cut...hahaha...
But im doin it for them...not for me...A big smile to see them happy...
Thanks for da compliment chel...really worthy...
And bravo to u too...I know FMCC will do da same...I really want to join u all...
ok,i'll include you in for the fmcc welfare activity..
tensen? hahhahaa
i hope i can do the same but not bald my head la...hahaha too many way to help them..visit them..cdak ada mini library..boleh sumbangkan buku2..berik makanana..cdak masak kedirik sia dgn sumbangan org..
yea...t-shirt motivates me... but once we joined in, its actually for the children... i feel i have contributed something.... emotional feeling to c those parents and their children..
Chel: tqvm my fren..appreciate it..
Vivian: if botak not cute ma...hehehe...u r rite...we can help them in many ways...hope will work wif u one day...
JD: yup..da t-shirt really rocks...agreed wif glad u walk wif me to da stage my fren...we did do big part in their life..nex tym we do it again..
video ada delay ckit...nadai pc kenak edit...
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