23 March 2009

My Favorite Thingy (psychologist wannabe tagged)

23 March 2009
Tis version from vivian @ psychologist wannabe...pun aku cuba utk selesaikan dlm beberapa minggu dah tp baru sekarang setel...sori pok,,,ada delay ckit...so now, terima la seadanya...(once again, nasib ktk 2 hani hoh...)

Note: You have to add one additional "favorite" thing to the end of the list when you answer.

Favorite color: Blue
Favorite perfume (guys):Calvin Klein
Favorite perfume (girls): Bvlgari
Favorite pijama brand: Ted Baker
Favorite clothes brand in general: Adidos...eh salah...Adidas...
Favorite person in the entire world: My Mum and my Dad...
Favorite country: Australia
Favorite car: Opa...
Favorite sport: Paintball
Favorite sport player: Gerard - Liverpool Rocks
Favorite spot in America: Miami
Favorite animal: Dog - coz have Shih Tzu
Favorite movie: School of Rock
Favorite singer: Currently - Jason Mraz
Favorite day in the week: Monday - which i dunno why
Friday Favorite time of the day: Afternoon - especially after work!
Favorite holiday season: Autumn
Favorite number: 9 - falls on my besday...especially for this year
Favorite food: Sambal Serai...
Favorite chocolate: Kisses - Hershey
Favorite cartoon: Bug Bunny - coz suka nyakat org
Favorite blogger: My dearest followers
Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Aiskelem con - bole campur mcm2 flavor...
Favorite Mobile Brand: Sony Ericsson - still conquer eventho my phone stolen
Favorite name: Wihah
Favorite hobby: Sakating people..beside than outdoor xtiviti...
Favorite room in my house: Bilik Beradu!
Favorite Fruit: Liulian = Durian
Favorite flower: Roses so anyone can give me...

I add -
Favourite Spot : JB!

Plizzzzzzzz....stop tis tagging things...I think got 1 more from Princess (akan aku laksanakan wahai tuan puteri)...but 1st, let me tag others...so i'm gonna tag:

1. Chel (@ POK member)
2. JD (my bald partner)
3. Roy:D (still pok member)
4. Princess Erlinda (da magibon member..hehehe)
5. Dazeree Joan (juz do la hoh...hehe)
6.Faramin (kena coba ni)
7. Da Little Devil (futsal geng..kan...kan...)

5 reactions:

Summer Heartbeat said...

utk kedua kalinya diriku dikaitkan dengan magibon. huhuhu.. :P

vivian said...

very nice..!

.::Hani in D Major::. said...

haha. nsb aku nsb! lol

wihah said...

Erlinda: Oh Princess...bukan hanya kedua kalinya...bakal menjadi tiga kalinya...
ataupun tukar kepada Filipino actress...

Vivian: Nice ka? tgh mencari utk mengenakan ktk 2 hani gik tok...

Hani: nuan sigik amai nasib indai wai...takpe...nice song...hehehe

♥ little devil on your shoulder ♥ said...

i'll do this some other time ya heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh

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