14 March 2009


14 March 2009
2 days ago i receive an email from my fren...fren i alwaz dealing with my job...
she give me tis...i can say a test...
test for us to think...to test our IQ or more specific...BEHAVIOR

Its a simple test but u must think wisely coz u will never know ur answer will affect others...
coz ur answer will again make people think of what kind of person u are...
I did it too...
cut short...here it goes:::::::::::::

Read this question, come up with an answer and then i will come with the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right.

"A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did Not know. She thought this guy was amazing.. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister."

Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?

[Give this some thought before you answer. I will give the answer after 1 week.]

6 reactions:

vivian said...

Oh my GOd! come back to school la kmk tok! i'm only got B+ in Abnormal Psychology dude!!! i wish i can turn back time to do better!

motive: for me.maybe that mysterious guy are her sister boyfriend? or only a friend. or that women already insane?

hhehehe..give many answer. coz i cant diagnose people in 1 situation.

wihah said...

hehehe...no need to came back to school but juz be wat u r now...school juz for knowledge gain rite...

still waiting for others answer...tunggu jak pok...

Summer Heartbeat said...

i heard this sumwher... what a? what a? i think the answer is... the same as your answer that u wil give 1 week after this. :P

wihah said...

Erlinda: u ever heard it? then try to answer lor...
haiyak...dun wait my answer la Princess, pandai jua nya the same answer as mine, so no need to pecah kepala pikir kan...hahahaha...
wrong...u must try to answer too Princess...nanti kena hukum..

.::Hani in D Major::. said...

cos her sister kept de secret dat the guy was actually her late mother's boifren mwahahahahaha

wihah said...

wow..pia ne wai...sabar jak aok...still within 1 week time...
surely u will get shock with the answer...hehehe

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