01 April 2009


01 April 2009
Fuhhh.....what a crazy week for me....
buzy...tired...nak manas pun ada....
apa tidak nya, last minutes info,
what the hell is that.....

and i DO NOT understand, why people alwaz do in last minutes....WHY....
Until today, really don't understand....
why am i "marah-marah".....

Haiya....leceh yg teramat sangat...which i don't like it...
within 1 week need to find new place...then have to pack all things....
i mean all things....

Aku tau la aku idup menyewa...
but at least, give me 1 month notice...
then i can find another place....
what the F@#*&

have to take a leave to move my things from OLD crazy place to a New noisy place....
haiya....really i don't like it this way....nama dah idup merempat tok....
anyway, have to follow the life lead by Him...

until 2day still my room look messy....
kecian my blog....lamak lom update...
nevermind, will update more after i settle up this twister things...
coz me look tired....really tired....

8 reactions:

vivian said...

ptt la bro lamak x muncul2...
what happened actually?
suddenly moved?

wihah said...

itu pasal la lamak x muncul2 tok pok...agi asa manas jua pok...

what happened???
the old crazy house will not be rent anymore but they only gave me less than a week to move out, so how do i expect to find new place before end of march...gila nak???

suddenly moved???
bukan ku pinta sebegini...hehehe...sempat jua pok hoh...so have to moved out if that old crazy house don't need my money anymore...tp yg sengsara nya masa pindah brg ia yg leceh lagi bosan...

Dazeree Joan said...

bagai lumut di tepi gantang la tek... hehe

Faramin said...

poor alex.wut happen to u.sabar ye alex.mesti u tension kan..chill..

Chel Rinj said...

aku pun hidup merempat kne tok..huhuhuh..btw,bilit sewa baru kau ya looks very familiar..lrg ya ada public phone and swimming pool hjg jalan ka?

wihah said...

Dazeree: hehehe...lebih kurang la bunyi nya...tak ka sedih bunyi nya ia...

Fahanaz: poor me hoh...dah besabar dah tp masi penat juga...tension is alwaz in us but juz don't know how to control it...

Chel: this time we are equal pok...sama2 idup merantau and menyewa...so how does it feel pok?
FYI, bilit baru aku ia, kenak? mcm familiar ka? how do you know pok?

♥ little devil on your shoulder ♥ said...

daz, bukan lumut di tepi gantang la hehehehe..
bagai melukut di tepi gantang hehehehehehehehehehe..........

wihah said...

Wah...bole tahan jua Little devil tok..

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